Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My new Fall layout!

Caity get's all the credit here! She took it upon herself to make my blog a little more original. What do you think? I like it! As fall is coming I am seeing the tips of the trees turning into deep reds and oranges and I find myself amazed that summer is to be gone soon. I have played and learned hard. I feel no big regrets in how I used my time this year so far and have made great progresses towards understanding nature and my place in it. I have thought much about what I hope for in life and I am satisfied that I am where I should be at this point in my life. I have only gratitude to God and the Creator for all their beautiful things. At times in my life I have regretted my place or wished I had taken advantage of a past opportunity to enjoy, but find that as this Summer is fading into Fall I am content. It is enough for me to just enjoy the present. What a wonderful thing!

1 comment:

Caity said...

Well, I'm actually not sure how original it is, I was going for more of a "masculine" look. Meg the girl for original and creative with blogs!

Joel, I love your attitude about life. You're always looking at the beauty in everything around you. It makes my life so much more beautiful to have you as my husband and best friend.